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{Exhibitions and Awards}

1st Tokowaka Exhibition, Art Calligraphy Adults Excellence Award (2018)

Japan National Junior Exhibition, Fountain Pen Calligraphy (2017)

Junior 27th NHK Lifelong Calligraphy Exhibition (2014)

Japan National Junior Exhibition (2013)

Japan National Junior Exhibition, Pen Calligraphy Excellence Award (2013)

Junior 26th NHK Lifelong Calligraphy Exhibition (2013)

Junior 25th NHK Lifelong Calligraphy Exhibition (2012)



準師範 - Associate Master Degree (2019)

行書三段 - Adult GYOSHO Calligraphy DAN Third Degree (2019)

楷書一段 - Adult KAISHO Calligraphy DAN First Degree (2019)



ジュニアペン準四 - Fountain Pen Calligraphy Semi-Fourth Degree (2018)

ジュニア漢字準三段 - KANJI Calligraphy Semi-Third Degree (2016)

ジュニアかな書道七級 - KANA Calligraphy Seventh Degree (2016)

ジュニア楷書二段 - KAISHO Calligraphy Second Degree (2014)


S-Fields Japan-China Calligraphy Association (2017-2020)

Kouyou Calligraphy Association (2009-2017)

Academic Student at Barnard College of Columbia University (2020-2024)

Academic Student at International School of the Sacred Heart (2006-2020)

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